The job of PM doesn't stop with product releases 

With Ari Paparo, ex-Google Director of Product and CEO of Launch Science


Date: Wednesday April 26, 2023

Time: 12pm EST

Link: Click here

Join our podcast with ex-Google Director of Product, Ari Paparo where we'll be discussion the process of launching a $100m product and why launching a product is the hardest part of the product management lifecycle. 

We'll be deep-diving into the nitty gritty to discuss how to measure the result of product launches so you can expand your skillset and make your next product launch one to remember. 

With first-hand experience, we'll also hear why Google is the worst at managing product launches and what red flags to watch out for. 

Trust us, you don't want to miss this.

Key topics:

  • The process of launching a $100m product
  • Why Google is the worst at managing product launches
  • How to measure product launches effectively

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About Ari

Ari is a serial entrepreneur and veteran product manager. He is currently the founder and CEO of two companies, Marketecture and LaunchScience. 

Marketecture Media is a subscription content site and podcast focused on the advertising and marketing technology world. 

LaunchScience is a SaaS platform for making better product launches. 

Ari is a well-known expert in the advertising technology world. He was the co-founder and CEO of Beeswax, an innovative ad tech platform that created the industry's first Bidder-as-a-Service™. Beeswax was acquired by Comcast in 2021. 

Previously, Ari has held a number of product leadership positions in the ad tech and marketing tech sectors, most recently as EVP of Product Management for Bazaarvoice, a publicly traded SaaS company that enables retailers and brands to better connect to their consumers through ratings, reviews, photos and other user generated content. Formerly, he was the Director of Product Management at Google’s DoubleClick business and the head of product management for AppNexus. 

Ari was the primary author of the VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) specification for online video and the patent holder for Nielsen's Digital Advertising Ratings ("DAR"). He is a frequent contributor to AdExchanger, Insider and other industry publications as well as a speaker at advertising industry conferences.

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