How To Build Trust And Leverage Relationships In Cross-Functional Teams

With Rob Leathen, VP of Product at Google


Date: Wednesday March 29, 2023

Time: 12pm EST

Link: Click here

Join us for our second ever podcast where we'll be chatting to Rob Leathen, VP of Product at Google! With more than 10 years' of FAANG-level experience we'll be deep-diving into how Product Managers at any level can build trust and leverage relationships. We know this is KEY to the success of PMs and Rob will be able to share his experiences and importantly, his advice for future leaders.

Not only is Rob a product expert, he is also a serial entrepreneur, building two successful companies within the social advertising field. Most recently he sold a proof-of-concept consumer subscription/ad-replacement platform, and before that, he ran Optimal, Inc. (sold in 2013 for $35mm. having raised $5.1mm) which was a pioneer in the programmatic buying and retargeting space.

Rob has SO much to share and we are excited to bring this podcast to you that will be FULL of insight, first-hand experience, and actionable advice.

Key topics:

  • Why Building Trust In Organizations Is KEY But Also Challenging, No Matter The Size Of The Organization
  • How To Build Trust When Working Remote
  • How To Align Visions, Gain Clarity And Feedback Eficiently And Effectively

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About Rob

Rob previously led product management for privacy and security at Google as VP of Product from 2021 to 2023. Before that he led the Business Integrity (Bl) product team at Facebook, protecting people and businesses using Facebook's commercial products at scale by using Al/ML to enforce its policies and prevent abuse. His team built personal and business identity, authenticity and transparency tools. The Bl team built the Facebook Ad Library which made millions of ads publicly visible across Facebook/lnstagram, and maintained ads and data controls/tools like "Why Am I Seeing This Ad" As a spokesperson for the company on these issues, he was frequently quoted by the media and press globally.

Previously, Rob started and led two companies. The most recent (sold in 2016) was a proof-of-concept consumer subscription/ad-replacement platform. Before that, he ran Optimal, Inc. (sold in 2013 for $35mm, having raised $5.1mm) which was a pioneer in the programmatic buying and retargeting space. Their social ad buying platform was one of the largest (by gross revenue managed) ad optimization platforms for Facebook and Twitter in 2013, and was recognized by Facebook as one of its most innovative partners.

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